Audio - Avalon Emerson dedicó su Essential Mix a las víctimas

Audio – Avalon Emerson dedicó su Essential Mix a las víctimas del incendio de Oakland

Avalon Emerson dedicó su Essential Mix a las víctimas del incendio de Oakland. La artista rindió homenaje a las víctimas del trágico incendio en el almacén de Oakland en diciembre de 2016 en su debut BBC Essential Mix el pasado fin de semana (18 de agosto).

El viernes dos de diciembre de 2016 comenzó un incendio devastador durante una fiesta 100% Seda en la nave de almacenamiento Ghost Ship de Oakland, que causó la muerte de 36 personas.

La última pista en la mezcla de Avalon Emerson es por la banda de Oakland Them Are Us Too, y, como explica el pilar de Panorama Bar a través de Instagram, el mix está dedicado a todos aquellos que perdieron la vida en el espacio.

«Tu música y amor perdura», escribió. «FUCK tecnócrata avaricia capitalista en la bahía».


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I’m usually not much of a preplanned mix person, I massively prefer playing to a crowd and interacting with the atmosphere. Combine that with the extremely not insignificant fact that this is one of the most important and longest running mix series around, this was quite a challenge! I spent a long time gathering these 40 songs and playing with the arrangement (even made a couple new edits). I included songs that have been staples in my sets, plus old favorites from before I was a DJ. Eternal shouts to Nathan Micay, Aurora Halal, Overmono, E-Talking and Koehler for letting me include your dope as hell unreleased new music (plus two unreleased songs from myself). The last song is by Oakland band Them Are Us Too and this mix is dedicated to those who lost their lives in a diy music space a year and a half ago. Your music and love lives on. FUCK technocrat capitalist greed in the bay. One of Ghost Ship’s spiritual predecessors, Ghost Town in Oakland, was one of the first gigs I ever played, back in 2011 right around the time when I was realizing that I loved making music and DJing. If someone told me then that I’d eventually make an Essential Mix and be touring around the world, I’d be incredulously curious to see just how that would unfold. It’s been wild. Thank you to everyone who has listened and danced with me since then. recorded on two cdjs and an xdj, xone 92 & extra help from the teil1 delay and blue sky reverb

Una publicación compartida de Avalon Emerson (@avalon9000) el

El increíble debut de Emerson, BBC Radio 1 Essential Mix, también incluye canciones de Nathan Micay FKA Bwana, Aurora Halal, así como un remix de Christine y The Queens. También presenta algunas producciones inéditas de la propia Emerson.

Haz click en la imagen a continuación y escucha el debut de Avalon Emerson.